Taste of Portsmouth

A Sunset Cruise aboard the historic Carrie B Showboat


Join us for an evening of food, drinks, music and fun on the Elizabeth River

Saturday, October 15th, 2022 we will host the Taste of Portsmouth with a sunset cruise aboard the Carrie B Showboat. This event will show off the beauty of our coastline here in Portsmouth, as well as delicious food from some of your favorite local restaurants. Join us for a fun night eating, drinking and dancing to the music of Vontrelle and The Portsmouth Jazz Experience.

$60 Ticket Includes

  • Delicious hors d'oeuvres and desserts from local restaurants

  • A two hour cruise on the southern branch of the Elizabeth River

  • Live music from The Portsmouth Jazz Experience

  • Fully stocked, cash bar featuring signature cocktails, top shelf liquor, beer and wine- All event guests must be over 21. Proof of ID required

Boarding will begin at 6pm at High St Landing and cruise will run from 6:30-8:30pm. Capacity is limited to 150 guests so get your tickets early. Check out some pictures from last year! Cruise will be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather.

Taste of Portsmouth Sunset Cruise
Only 46 available

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

And thank you to our community support!

Participating Restaurants